As regular IPKat readers will already know, my interests lie primarily in issues relating to European and UK patent law, and typically those that relate to complicated and difficult areas of the subject. This may not interest you, which is fine by me. I make no apologies for the sometimes esoteric nature of the subject matter, but I hope that I can manage to make some more sense of the issues that interest, puzzle and frustrate me such that others can understand them better too.
As is the way with these things, you are very welcome to leave a comment on any post. All comments will be moderated to remove any spam. What I consider spam may vary. If you wish to be offensive or merely snipe, you may find that you are not heard. Again, I make no apologies. This is my blog, not yours. If you wish to have a private discussion with me, or suggests things to discuss, my email address is tuftythecat at gmail dot com.
And finally, the obligatory disclaimer. I take no responsibility for what you decide to do after reading anything posted here. Anything posted here does not constitute, and should not be taken as, legal advice. While I will endeavour to ensure accuracy, I am only feline and errors can creep in occasionally.
Happy reading!